Our Program
Every activity at Birchmont is undertaken with the concept that at no time should winning or losing be confused with a child’s personal worth. We meet each camper at their activity level where he or she feels comfortable and confident. Once this is accomplished, or program progresses through building skills and providing challenge and fun. We take the pressure out of playing, emphasizing participation which embodies one of our favorite quotes “What would YOU attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?”

Our “can do” philosophy transfers well to off-field activities, both familiar and new. With no fear of failing, children who have never water-skied, worked a pottery wheel, or navigated a high ropes course before are now willing to give them a try. Each activity area is run by staff members dedicated to and proficient in that specialty area.
For campers looking for a competitive challenge, we offer the spirit and excitement of inter-camp competitions and tournaments, always stressing the ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play.
Our daily schedules are organized by age group and also offer many “split” activities. This allows campers to exercise options throughout their day. For example, an activity period may be designated as “Basketball / Ropes” where the camper can choose to either play basketball or climb our rock wall. We feel offering some daily choice, allows children to refine skills at activities they truly enjoy while also making sure they are exposed to new activities. Other activities are designed as “clusters”. For example, our “NOTCHES” cluster lets individual campers in each group decide between Arts & Crafts, Woodworking, Ceramics and Nature Studies. Our “R.A.G.” activity incorporates Riflery, Archery, and Golf. Besides just the aforementioned examples, you can see a detailed list of all the activities we offer at Birchmont on our Activities page. Our schedule allows our campers ample time to participate in all of our diverse activity options.
Whatever your child’s personal choice, our expert staff is always poised and present to give them the skills to succeed while making sure they have a great time learning! Whatever your child’s personal goal, their group moves together throughout the day, led by their Group Leader and Head Counselor. Each group at camp develops a solid esprit de corps from playing and living together throughout the summer.

While Birchmont offers your children a myriad of exciting activities, tennis and waterfront are emphasized on a daily basis. The reason is simple: we firmly believe they possess a life-long appeal. While active participation in team sports like football, hockey, and lacrosse usually fade with age, the social, physical, and recreational benefits of tennis and waterfront activities such as swimming, kayaking and sailing endure. Campers swim twice each day. The morning is an American Red Cross instruction period, while the afternoon is a free swim giving them an option to swim, play on our inflatables, kayak, paddleboard, water ski, wake board, sail or go tubing daily. All waterfront activities are available every afternoon and staffed accordingly. Birchmont is located on the shores of a “Class A” lake as tested by the State of NH, Dept. of Environmental Service and there is no public ingress or egress to our lake, insuring a minimum of boat traffic all summer long.
Our tennis program is run by our two USPTA professionals and a staff of 14. Our tennis facilities are comprised of a dozen all-weather plexi-paved courts and are grouped into three banks of four. Each camper’s playing level is assessed and grouped within a ‘bank,’ so everyone plays comfortably on his or her own level, where they are appropriately challenged and instructed to improve. Our courts are also well-lit for evening play. No matter their level, campers get turned on to the game and improve their level of play!